Author: Fekete Dzsenifer
Lithium concentration in tap water, bottled mineral water, and Danube River water in Hungary
Assessment of the exposure of two pesticides on common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758): Are the prolonged biomarker responses adaptive or destructive?
Stepping Stone Wetlands, Last Sanctuaries for European Mudminnow: How Can the Human Impact, Climate Change, and Non-Native Species Drive a Fish to the Edge of Extinction?
Assessment of the correlation between the nutrient load from migratory bird excrement and water quality by principal component analysis in a freshwater habitat
Contribution of silica-scaled chrysophytes to ecosystems services: a review
Influence of Pig Slurry Application Techniques on Soil CO2, N2O, and NH3 Emissions
Density and Diversity Differences of Contemporary andSubfossil Cladocera Assemblages: A Case Study in anOxbow Lake
Több tényező is fenyegeti a Balaton élővilágát
Algavirágzások, Algatoxinok tavainkban
Az „Őszintén a Balatonról” szakmai találkozók keretében 2023. július 13-án intézetünkben tudományos előadóülést tartottunk.
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